Cold and Hungry
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The students in public schools in Boone County have needs that are often hidden. The governor opted out of federal help that was providing meals and many now come to school hungry, with no food at home to feed them breakfast. The often do not have clothes suitable for cold weather and many lack items to help them keep clean and take care of themselves. Girls lack supplies for menstruation. The schools need basic educational supplies like pencils! With state aid that has been less than the rate of inflation, schools are scrambling to fill in the gaps.
You can help! Between now and December 16th the BCD will be collecting money and items to deliver to schools in Boone County.
We will be accepting the following items:
Drop off donated items before 6 PM at 338 SW 2nd, Ogden or 313 5th St, Boone
Mail check to BCD, PO Box 535, Boone 50036 - enter "school fund" in the byline
Donate online at:
cash donations will be matched 100% up to $1,500. Fundraiser ends December 17th.
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