What’s Going On?
Our Liberties We Prize and Our Rights We Will Maintain, as Long as They Protect While Cisgender Men
Multiple bills are in front of the Iowa Legislature, most of which are nightmares in the making. This comes directly from Indivisible 515 and concerns several of the bills:
You usually don’t hear from us unless it is a Sunday newsletter or there is an urgent call to action. This is urgent. We need you THIS WEEKEND. The Iowa Legislature is pushing through some of the most extreme and harmful legislation we’ve seen, and we must show up in large numbers to hold them accountable.
The worst bill yet—HSB242, the Iowa Civil Rights Removal Act—was just released by the House Judiciary Committee. This unbelievably cruel legislation would:
❌ Strip all civil rights protections from transgender Iowans
❌ Implement bathroom and birth certificate restrictions
❌ Erase anyone who doesn’t fit into narrow definitions of “man” or “woman” under Iowa law
‼️This means trans Iowans could be legally denied housing, credit, employment, and more—just for being who they are
But that’s not all. The attacks keep coming:
🚨 A ban on abortion pills (mifepristone). HSB 186
🚨 Attacks on libraries and education. HF 284 SF 235 SF 238
🚨 A push to cut IWILL (Iowa’s conservation trust fund). Senate Joint Resolution 6
🚨 Relentless efforts to undermine our schools
🚨 And SO many more bad bills
📍 Show up at forums this weekend—bring friends and fill the room
Iowa Disability Council Calendar
Iowa House Republicans
📸 Take pictures & record video—get your lawmakers on record
📢 Demand answers—ask them where they stand
📧 Contact Republican House & Senate members and tell them to STOP this harmful legislation
Why So Many Bills Are Dropping in the Iowa Legislature Right Now
We’re approaching a key deadline at the Iowa Legislature, which is why so many bills are suddenly moving.
Here’s what’s happening:
March 7 – First Funnel Deadline
By this date, bills must be voted out of their original chamber’s committee (House bills out of House committees, Senate bills out of Senate committees). If they don’t make it, they’re dead for the session—unless they deal with budget/appropriations.
What This Means
Lawmakers are scrambling to push their priority bills forward.
Expect quick-moving subcommittees and committee meetings over the next two weeks.
Some “zombie bills” (bills that missed deadlines) may get revived by attaching them to budget bills, which are always alive.
How You Can Take Action
Be ready to show up at the Capitol to speak if you can!
Follow https://www.facebook.com/IALEGISWATCH for rapid-response calls to action.
Stay alert—things will move fast!
The Next Funnel Date is in April
April 4 – Second Funnel Deadline Bills must pass a floor vote in the chamber where they were introduced and clear a committee in the opposite chamber to stay alive.
🔥 The time to speak up is NOW. If we don’t show up, they will push these bills through without accountability. Stand up for the Iowa you want and for those who cannot stand up for themselves. Now’s the time to make your voice heard. Let’s go! #IALegis #IowaPolitics
Will you be there?
In solidarity,
Your Indivisible Team
About Indivisible Iowa: Indivisible Iowa is a nonpartisan entity that stands for and defends the ideals and rights endowed in the United States and Iowa State Constitutions, which guarantee equality, liberty and justice for all.
Inspired by the Indivisible Guide, Indivisible Iowa functions independently to promote social welfare within the meaning of 26 U.S. Code §501(c)(4), specifically to do the following:
Educate Iowans on political and social issues and the civic process,
Engage in advocacy for political and social issues addressing equality: such as unions, support of science, access to public education and healthcare, living wages, reproductive, social, economic and environmental justice, and all issues relating to the public good, and
Empower members to act with the shared values of inclusion, fairness, equality, equity, justice and respect in regards to race, disability, gender, gender identity, religion, nationality, class, and ethnicity.
All in For Harris and Walz
Bring it home Boone County! Help out these last few days and join us live on Tuesday night!
Countdown to Nov. 5th
We are now at the final few weeks before election. Every vote matters and your help in getting Democrats to the polls matters more than ever.
Our headquarters will be open 4 days per week and you can help in many ways, from just being there to picking up packets and delivering them to Democratic voters. We need to make sure people know the deadlines and have a plan to vote. Our democracy literally hangs in the balance. A poster says vote like it is Germany 1933 and it comes close to capturing the risk our county is under.
We CAN Get Out The Vote (GOTV)
You can help us win in November
One month to election day (Nov. 5th). This is the most important election in years; democracy truly hangs in the balance. Let’s get the childless cat ladies (and gentlemen) to work getting out the vote.
Here is what you can do:
Sign up to work at the headquarters of the Boone County Democrats. Work in the office, make calls, knock doors of Democrats. You can do a variety of things; whatever you feel comfortable doing!
2. Attend the Brown Woodard award dinner on Oct. 17th. Meet candidates and hear Rita Hart, chair of the Iowa Democratic Party! https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bw2024
3. Post on social media and share our posts. https://www.tiktok.com/@boonecountyiadems
4. If you are a Boone County Resident and are available come to the courthouse on October 16th, 11 am, (first day of early inperson voting) vote and then join us for lunch.
5. Order a T-shirt from Raygun and help support the BCD! https://www.rayguncustom.com/search?type=product%2Carticle%2Cpage&q=boone+county+democrats
Frances Perkins: The New Deal Democrat Who Masterminded the Labor Laws
Frances Perkin, 1933
“I came to Washington to work for God, FDR, and the millions of forgotten, plain, common working men.”
It was Frances Perkins, the first woman to join a presidential cabinet, who was the architect of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Dean labor laws. With her experience and the belief that people had a right to decent pay, benefits, and a safe working environment. She fought for racial and gender equality as well.
She was the main architect of Social Security, minimum wage, child labor laws, the 40 hour work week, and workplace safety laws. She promoted a national health care plan.
This Labor Day let us remember Perkins and her legacy, guided by compassion and, yes, her Christian faith. We have been witness to all sorts of attempts to dismantle or at least water down the good laws she put in place. Let’s fight the good fight and restore and expand the rights of the common citizen!
Brown Woodard Award Dinner
The Boone County Democrats are proud to announce the 2024 Brown Woodard Dinner and awards presentation. It is our annual mix of inspiring speeches, great (and mainly local) food, comradery with fellow Democrats and the honoring of the volunteer of the year. This year’s event is Thursday, October 17th at the Leonard Good Community Center in Ogden with doors opening at 5 pm.
We are pleased to have IDP chair Rita Hart there to inspire us, as well as our local candidates. Ryan Melton is putting in many miles in CD 4 as he attempts to knock off his shadowy opponent and has even been endorsed by Kevin Virgil, the Republican who opposed Randy Feenstra in the primary. Margaret Liston is running, or at least walking almost every mile, in SD24 to knock Jesse Green off his high horse, and Penny Vossler is trying to make Chad Behn a has been in HD 48. Meanwhile Brian Reimers wants to take all his skill and expertise from the Ogden City Council to the role of county supervisor.
And as VP candidate Tim Walz says, “We don't need more of the same, typical politicians fighting for themselves and for special interests. We need someone to believe in our small-business owners again and someone to champion those folks who play by the rules.”* Republicans are weird.
5pm Doors open. There will be beverages available (donations requested). Time to socialize, meet the candidates, talk with old and new friends, and view the auction items (bidding will be online.) 1.
6 pm. Dinner will be served. Most of the food will be sourced here in Boone County! We will have pork roast, green beans almondine, cheesy potatoes, rolls, and apple crisp for desert. For vegetarians there will be a stuffed portabello mushroom entree. Non alcoholic beverages are included.
6:30 pm. Program begins with former State Rep. Donovan Olson as MC. You will hear from our speakers and the winner of the 2024 Brown Woodard Award will be announced.
Tickets are available online (and you can list food preferences once you buy a ticket.) 12 and under are free, but use the ticket form to help us count how many people. https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bw2024
The auction will be opened approximately 2 weeks before the event, but bidding will continue until 7:30 that day. Please pick up auction items at the event or make arrangements to have them held or delivered.
*Read more at https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/tim-walz-quotes
Countdown to Nov. 5th: What you can do
There is an old expression that many hands make light work. We need your hands! I would first invite you to learn about the REACH app and add it to your smart phone. (https://www.reach.vote/) Learn about it and use it. You can import your contacts and check with your friends and family to make sure they have a plan to vote. You can add your own plan. Once you have downloaded the app, you can add the Iowa Democratic Party to your “campaigns” and be connected with people and social media. It is free and painless to use! Talking to a few friends or family members and making sure they have a plan to vote could make all the difference in many of our state and county elections.
You can now request absentee ballots from the state. Here is a link to everything you need to know to vote in Boone County: https://boonecounty.iowa.gov/auditor/elections/
The Boone County Democrats would love to have you help us in a way that works for you!
The Madrid Labor Day Parade on Monday, Sept. 2. Meet at Edgewood Park at 9:30. https://www.boonecountydem.com/events/madrid-labor-day-parade-2-y5ywa
The Central Committee will meet on Sept. 3rd. at the History Center at 6:30 pm
The headquarters at 700 Story St. opens that day at 10 am https://www.boonecountydem.com/events/campaign-headquarters-grand-opening.
Volunteer for a shift! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B044EA9A82CAAF85-50767244-boone#/
Come to movie night! On Sept 15th and have a “reel” good time. You can hear the speakers from the Liberty and Justice Dinner held in July AND have our local and state and congressional candidates there in person. Plus free popcorn!! https://www.boonecountydem.com/events/get-off-the-fence-and-have-a-reel-good-time
Volunteer and Training Opportunities from the IDP for Get Out The Vote (GOTV) and using the REACH app on your phone:
You can find opportunities from Democratic campaigns in your area here: https://www.mobilize.us/
Starting next week, our weekly Reach Trainings will be done together with the grassroots group “Iowans for Harris.” Here is a schedule:
IDP’s Harris for Iowa Reach GOTV Training - Tuesday, Sep 3 at 7pm: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcof-mhpzIqGNV2I4WxMRIg7sBBcOpjsfmF
IDP’s Harris for Iowa Reach GOTV Training - Thursday, Sep 5 at 7pm: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0rcu6sqTspEtLN9rYUyT-7mv80wtOncKEP
IDP’s Harris for Iowa Reach GOTV Training - Saturday, Sep 7 at 11am: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAuceyrqz8qGtPwY-f7nLTpbj1INj3800FV
For those of you working on a campaign the following may be of value:
Bob Ward is also continuing VAN trainings. For the remainder of the cycle, VAN trainings will focus on tools to make your canvassing as efficient as possible:
VAN 101 6:00 pm on September 4
VAN 102 Turf Cutting 6:00 pm on September 11
VAN 101 6:00 pm on September 17
VAN 102 Turf Cutting 6:00 pm on September 19
Joe Shelley for HD47
Vote Blue in HD47
Joe Shelley, Perry City Council
Democratic delegates from Dallas, Greene and Guthrie counties convened July 19 for a nominating convention at Sportsman's Park in Dawson to select Joe Shelly as their nominee to run for Iowa House District 47. The District includes northwest Dallas and all of Green and Guthrie Counties. Joe Shelly is a resident of Perry. He is a a semi-retired union pipefitter and currently serves on the Perry City Council and Dallas County Hospital Board of Trustees. Orphaned early in life, Joe started down the wrong path of drugs and crime, but in a prison library Joe discovered a path upward. He earned a union apprenticeship as a pipefitter and began a successful career. Convention Chair, Tom Walton, who is Chair of the Dallas County Democrats, stated, "We are proud to have Joe representing the Democratic Party in Iowa. He is a man of the people who turned his life around and continues to make a difference." Shelly has also been endorsed by Lanan Baccam, Democratic candidate for the Third Congressional District. Shelly's opponent is Republican Carter Nordman. The election is November 5, 2024.
Learn how to help Joe and donate at: https://www.joeshellyforiowa.com/
BCD Scholarship Winner
Emily Kramer, Boone High School Senior, receives scholarship
The BCD gives its congratulations to Emily Kramer, graduationg senior in Boone. Already a business owner and an accomplished dancer, she is ready to head to ISU and major in business. Our wishes to her for a bright and successful future.
Tomatoes: Everything Red Should Be!
The Boone County Democrats were happy to once again provide tomatoe plants for young (and old). In Ogden the age rage was 6 to 96. Folks are excited to have a change to grow their own healthy tomato plants and learn something about gardening. One parent said none of the tomatoes ever seem to make it as far as the house.
Let’s all work to make life better for everyone in Boone County.
Boone County Democrats are again offering scholarships to high school seniors who reside in Boone County. Get the form here: application for scholarship. Forms are due by April 27th.
If you would like to make a donation to the fund: donate here
Caucus Time in January
Enter by the NW doors of the HS. Doors open at 6:30 and you must be inline or fully registered by 7 pm. Because the presidential preference is being held by mail in voting, the entire meeting should last about an hour. Come be part of the change.
Nursing Home Disgrace
Mary Weaver, Rippey Iowa
The following is a slightly shortend version of a regular column Mary writes for a local newspaper.
I am saddened, as well as shocked by the horror stories erupting statewide about the deplorable, and life taking situations occurring in Iowa nursing homes. In complete transparency regarding this subject, in part of my former work life, I was a surveyor for the Iowa Department of Inspection and Appeals. That involved inspections of State Certified Home Care agencies as well as nursing homes.
The long-term care or nursing home survey team consisted of 3-4 persons and the team was usually in a facility for three or four days. Policies were reviewed, charts were audited, comparing orders written to implementation, interviews with residents were conducted, the ombudsman assigned to the facility was visited, staffing ratios for Registered Nurses and Certified Nurses Aids were reviewed using established formulas. Temperature checks of food served were done at mealtime. It took one day for the team to write the report of the findings, usually a Friday, and the following Monday we were sent to the next facility. Facilities were visited once each year, but unannounced, and if a complaint was received regarding a facility, it was immediately visited.
We were not particularly liked by the administrators or the staff, as we were disruptive to the usual routine and activities. As surveyors we observed, remained neutral, and the reports were written in an objective manner. ACCOUNTABILITY WAS PARAMONT. CARING WAS PRACTICED.
U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging, based on fiscal year 2022 data, found that Iowa ranks 49th in the nation in terms of its ratio of inspectors to care facilities. The report also noted the use of contractors is expensive as well as risky. In 2022, Iowa had 46 state inspectors overseeing 414 nursing homes. Some states with a comparable number of homes had twice that many inspectors on staff. Michigan, for example, had 93 inspectors for 433 homes, and North Carolina had 96 inspectors for 424 homes.
CAPITOL DISPATCH reports the pay range for a registered-nurse inspector working for the state of Iowa is $66,600 to $93,800. But the State of Iowa has paid a private nationwide company, CertiSurv, $33,300 per inspection for each facility with 96 to 174 beds. In addition, the company charged the state $40,950 for a single inspection of any nursing homes with 175 or more beds.
In a recent report issued by the Iowa Health Care Association, IHCA, 387 of the 404 nursing homes in Iowa, or 96% of facilities will fail to meet staffing benchmarks recommended by the federal staffing guidelines.
Four Iowa nursing homes have recently been added by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, CMS, to the federal list of the nation’s worst care facilities. They join six other Iowa care facilities already deemed eligible for inclusion. Typically, all the homes on the special-focus designation have about twice the average number of violations cited by state inspectors; they have more serious problems than most other nursing homes, including harm or injury to residents, and they have established a pattern of serious problems that has persisted over a long period of time.
Westwood Specialty Care of Sioux City was one recently added to this listing. It is owned and managed by Iowa’s largest nursing home chain, the tax-exempt nonprofit of Care Initiatives, based in West Des Moines. According to tax records, CEO Michael Beal collected a total of $608,638 in compensation from Care Initiatives and its affiliates in 2021.
In a study done by CMS reflects a trend towards private equity firms and other large corporate owners purchasing nursing homes and slashing levels of staff as a way to maximize profits.
Sue Dinsdale of the Iowa Citizens Action Network reports, $800 million of Iowa’s taxpayers are going to Medicaid to care for people with disabilities and the elderly. The reimbursement for the services paid for Medicaid patients has now been contracted to private entities by the State of Iowa.
IHCA, CEO Brent Willett states that for every $1 spent to care for an Iowa Medicaid resident, the system currently reimburses providers 80 cents. In simple terms these private contracted companies need to show a profit to their owners, and frequently do not allow the payment, or delay the payment making the facility reapply and make repeated requests for reimbursement.
Under a recent recommendation from the Biden administration the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is proposing a rule to establish a federal floor for staffing levels, so that nursing homeowners could not slash staffing to unsafe levels. If finalized, the proposal would require every facility to have a Registered Nurse on site 24/7, to have a certain minimum number of registered nurses and nurse aides to help provide routine care, and to staff according to resident needs based on an assessment of the facility’s residents.
CMS, in partnership with the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), has announced a national nursing career pathways campaign. The campaign will help recruit, train, retain, and transition workers into nursing home careers as nursing staff. This plan will invest over $75 million in scholarships and tuition reimbursement. This plan will be implemented during the coming 3-5 years.
But, on November 1st, Governor Reynolds joined with 14 other state Republican Governors to declare the requirements being proposed by the Biden Administration will result in facilities having to close because of the inability to obtain staff.
This is a crisis.
It seems to this writer, the elderly in our society deserve basic human dignity and care in the later years of their lives.
It is time to voice concerns to our State Representatives, Jesse Green, and Phil Thompson.
· Encourage the surplus of 1.83 billion in the State of Iowa to provide
aid to keep long term care facilities open. Work force shortage is more severe in rural Iowa.
· Provide funds for the training of individuals both R.N.’s and Certified Nurses Aids, CNAs, that will result in an increase in the labor force.
· Evaluate the taxpayer funds going to the facility owners to assure dollars are being used to care for residents and not for excess profits to the owners.
· Hold the recently privatized contractors accountable for adequate reimbursement of facilities.
· Accept the requirements and funds being put forth by the Biden administration to improve the care being provided to our elders in Iowa.
VIEW FROM MY WINDOW is written by Mary Weaver, former Registered Nurse, and chair of the Iowa Women’s Democratic Caucus. Mary resides on a farm near Rippey.
Letter From Rita Hart, Chair Iowa Democratic Party
I want to say a big thank you to everyone who attended the 2023 Liberty and Justice Celebration this weekend. The L&J is the Iowa Democratic Party’s biggest fundraiser of the year, and we sold out the show with the help of all of you and speakers like Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman, Iowa Auditor Rob Sand, Iowa House Democratic Leader Jennifer Konfrst, Iowa Senate Democratic Leader Pam Jochum, Warren County Auditor Kimberly Sheets, Des Moines Public School Board Member Dan Gutmann, and Francesca Turner, DO.
These folks stepped up to tell the story of Iowa Democrats as we work toward a brighter future for our state. We are working tirelessly to restore the right for women to make their own healthcare decisions, to bring parents and teachers together and end the divisiveness Republican leadership has brought to our schools, and build a strong bench of candidates by dedicating more resources to local elections.
Our sold-out event this weekend shows how fired up Democrats are in Iowa, and I can’t wait to continue working with each and every one of you to keep our Party moving in the right direction.
ICYMI: Check out some of the headlines from this weekend’s event:
KCCI: Sen. John Fetterman tells Iowa Democrats not to give up on rural counties
Des Moines Register: Fetterman roasts 2024 GOP candidates as Iowa Democrats rally at fundraiser
WHO13: Fetterman headlines Iowa Democratic Party Annual Fundraiser
We Are Iowa: Iowa Democratic Party Holds 2023 Liberty and Justice Celebration
CNN: Sen. John Fetterman hits the trail in Iowa as he finds his footing again
NPR: Republicans have had most of Iowa’s attention all year. Democrats want to change that
Radio Iowa: Fetterman urges Iowa Democrats to back Biden
The Gazette: John Fetterman advocates for party unity, backing Biden in 2024 at Iowa Democratic Party fundraiser
Rita Hart
Rita Hart
Iowa Democratic Party Chair
Brown Woodard Keynote Speakers
Senator Pam Jochum
Pam Jochum was elected to the Iowa House in 1992 and the Iowa Senate in 2008. She represents Senate District 36, encompassing the city of Dubuque and portions of Dubuque County.
Senator Jochum serves as Iowa Senate Democratic Leader.
Born and raised in Dubuque, Pam Jochum knows what matters to those who live and work in the area, and is respected for her ability to build coalitions that get things done for Dubuque and Iowa.
Among her many accomplishments, Senator Jochum has played a leading role in expanding affordable health insurance coverage to thousands of working Iowans and has stood up for citizens with disabilities to protect their health services when the Governor privatized Iowa’s Medicaid system. Her support for and commitment to education has been unwavering. She has worked to expand early childhood education and ensure affordable higher education, whether at a state university, a private college or a community college. Her influence is evident throughout Iowa law—from historic reforms in Iowa’s commercial property taxes and revitalizing manufacturing to nationally acclaimed legislation in ethanol production, wind energy, solar energy and flood mitigation programs. Furthermore, through Pam’s persistent work for more than five years, our state now has the Iowa Public Information Board to ensure government transparency and access to public information and records.
Pam learned the value of a hard-day’s work from her parents. She graduated at the top of her class at Wahlert High School and Loras College. She worked as an administrator at Loras College, and also worked at an insurance agency, Legal Aid, and a financial services company before running for public office.
Because of her strong advocacy and efforts to improve the lives of Iowans, Senator Jochum has received honors from the League of Cities, Firefighters Association, child advocacy organizations, Freedom of Information Council, physical therapists, physician assistants, pharmacists, Iowa Hospital Association, Iowa Caregivers, Iowa Health Care Association, League of Women Voters, the Dubuque Chamber of Commerce, labor unions, Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and many more.
Representative Jennifer Konfrst
Jennifer has lived in Iowa most of her life, and has always considered the Des Moines metro area her home. After living in northern Iowa, then out of state for a short time as a child, she returned to Iowa and went to school in Johnston, where she graduated in 1992.
Senator Pam Jochum
Jennifer met her husband, Lee, while attending Drake University. They’ve lived in the area since their marriage in 1996, with a brief stint in Chicago before coming back home to Iowa. They have two children, Ellie (20) and James (18) and live in Windsor Heights. Lee works at Nationwide in Des Moines and they are members of Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ in Des Moines, Jennifer’s church for more than 30 years. She earned both her Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from Drake University, and Lee earned his undergraduate and law degrees there.
Jennifer believes there is nothing more important than being a mom and that’s why she has been an active volunteer in her kids’ education at every step from preschool to high school. She has served as President of the Plymouth Nursery School Board, President of the Downtown School PTA, Mock Trial coach at Merrill Middle School, and was a member of the PTA and a debate team parent volunteer at Roosevelt High School.
Jennifer is currently an Associate Professor in Drake University’s School of Journalism and Mass Communication.
Before teaching at Drake, Jennifer spent 12 years in communications leadership at Iowa Public Television (IPTV). While there, she was responsible for strategy and implementation of communications for the network. She also served as the spokesperson for IPTV, on-air host during fundraising drives, and worked on special programs during the Iowa State Fair.
In 2018, Jennifer received the Madeline Levitt Mentor of the Year Award at Drake University. She has also been recognized as a finalist for the Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa’s Inspiring Women of Iowa Courage Award and as Outstanding New Member from the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Central Iowa Chapter in 2014, as a member of the Des Moines Business Record’s 40 Under 40 Class of 2010, and as national PBS Communicator of the Year in 2007.
Ryan Melton, IA4 Congressional Candidate
Born in Omaha, Ryan spent parts of his childhood in both Iowa and Nebraska. After graduating from Omaha Central, he was awarded a full scholarship to Iowa State University. He graduated in 2005 with a BS in History and Political Science. While at ISU he served as a journalist for the Iowa State Daily and as president of the ISU Mock Trial team, which made it to two national tournaments. In 2008 he graduated from Kansas University with an MA in US History, focusing on post-reconstruction, civil rights, and environmental history. Ryan has worked for Nationwide for the past 15 years. In the last seven years, he has served in a leadership role managing high-performing teams of insurance professionals.
His passion for the environment and regard for all life have led him to live as a compassionate vegetarian for the past 19 years. While land management, sustainability, water quality, and sanctity of life are key factors in his personal choice to be a vegetarian, he understands that choice is not for everyone.
Being raised by a family of modest means, he understands many of the challenges that face working families. He has helped and supported family members who have dealt with addiction and mental health issues. Ryan was the only person in his immediate family to attend college and graduate, thanks to the support of his family and public school teachers. He and wife Laura are raising Nigel, age 17, and Lincoln, age 4.
He enjoys road trips across the United States, college football, and playing Madden Football. Ryan is also convinced he could be a professional bowler with enough practice. Laura is not convinced.
Voter’s Guide
Below is a list of all the candidates for Boone County school board and city elections. Candidates highlighted in blue are listed as registered Democrats and/or support Demcratic values. Red highlighted names are either registered Republicans or do not support our values. No highlighting means they are either independent or no information could be found. Please vote, either in person or go to the polls next Tuesday. These elections matter.
Brown Woodard Dinner
A Night of Great Food, Friends, and Inspiring Leaders
and a Silent Auction
Are you exhausted by the constant political drama from the Republican party? Are you tired of Iowa being treated as a dumping ground for all sorts of manure? The rural values we cherish are being destroyed and our public education system is in peril. The rights of vulnerable groups are under threat and workers are sorely underpaid.
However, you have the power to change this course.
We cordially invite you to join us on November 11th at 5 pm at the Leonard Good Community Center in Ogden. This annual event is an opportunity to get inspired, raise funds, and support Democratic candidates. You'll be moved by the Volunteer of the Year, and the event promises to be an exciting one. Bring a young person and inspire them to make a difference. Let's work together to spread the message and elect Democrats.
Experience Great Food and Friends
Experience a delightful evening of gourmet food and lively company at the Brown Woodard Dinner. Savor the delicious homemade lasagna, crisp salads, freshly-baked bread, and delectable desserts. Additionally, a variety of beverages will be available to complement your meal and enhance your overall dining experience. Reconnect with old friends, make new acquaintances, and create unforgettable memories filled with laughter and joy. Get your tickets NOW: BW tickets
Inspiring Leaders
The upcoming event is more than just a gathering of friends and food; it's an opportunity to hear from inspiring leaders. The lineup includes Rep. Jennifer Konfrst, Sen. Pam Jochum, and IA4 candidate Ryan Melton, who are actively working towards a better future by combatting Republican chaos. Attendees can expect to hear these leaders speak about their experiences, visions, and strategies for creating positive change. Get your tickets in advance, or at the door, BW 2023
BW Award and Silent Auction
One of the highlights of the evening is the BW Award, where we give a round of applause to the amazing soul who's been a driving force in moving the Boone County Democrats forward. The selfless dedication, tireless efforts, and indomitable spirit of this individual will be recognized and celebrated.
Additionally, brace yourself for an epic silent auction. The silent auction is an opportunity for you to bid on and possibly take home some unique and valuable items. All the proceedings from the silent auction will go towards supporting the cause. And guess what? It's all happening online, so you can participate from the comfort of your own home! Brown Woodard Auction
Donations For Auction and Helping with Event
Would you be interested in contributing to our online silent auction? We welcome your donations, be it your favorite cookies, a pie, or any other homemade creation. Alternatively, you can offer a coupon from a local business. No matter the size of your donation, we are grateful for your support. Kindly reach out to us at info@boonecountydem.com with a photo of the item and an estimated value. Additionally, please provide your address for reporting purposes.
Are you interested in volunteering for the event or donating food items? We have a sign-up sheet available! By joining the Brown Woodard Dinner team, you can help us in making this event a resounding success. Your contribution can make a significant difference. Brown Woodard Sign Up
Progressive Rural Optimists
PRO Iowa 24 - A Collaboration
Organizing To Recruit, Support and Elect New Leaders
in IOWA House District 47, 48 & Senate District 24
Founding Members:
Boone County: Penny Vossler, Mary Weaver
Dallas County: Monica Peitz - Story County: Barb Wheelock
Greene County: John Brunow, Chris Henning, Tori Riley
Guthrie County: Kathy Miller, Karen Riley-Sievers
Dear Friends:
Do actions of the regressive Republican-led 2023 legislative session make you wonder what’s happened to OUR Iowa, the Iowa we want our children and grandchildren to live in and call their own?
Are you concerned by the ways the party of “limited government” and few regulations has inserted its tentacles into Iowa’s communities and the private lives of Iowans?
We’re worried, and we’re ready to act. PRO Iowa 24, a Political Action Committee of progressive voters in Iowa’s 24th Senate District, is building a financial base for candidates who will challenge regressive Republicans in Senate District 24 and House Districts 47 and 48 in the 2024 election.
We are called to action by bills sent during the 2023 legislative session to Republican Governor Kim Reynolds for her signature; all were passed by the majority Republican House and Senate.
Jesse Green, Phil Thompson and Carter Nordman voted for these BAD bills - several of which may be unconstitutional or even illegal!
This BAD legislation will -
- Divert millions of public dollars from the more than 500,000 public school students to fund private schools - primarily faith-based schools;
- Jeopardize the future of public education in Iowa by inserting a regressive vision of what’s best for children into school curriculums, further diminishing the stature and respect for the teaching profession and the ability of school districts to recruit and retain high quality professionals. The Republican curriculum limits the exposure of Iowa’s children to a complete range of American studies and sociology, harming their ability to appreciate and embrace diversity and to make informed decisions in their adulthood;
- Threaten the health and safety and erode the civil rights of LGBTQ+ students and families by prohibiting school staff from creating a safe and accepting atmosphere for gender-questioning students, by taking away the ability of parents to select and obtain gender-affirming healthcare for their children, and by disallowing classroom discussion of families with two mothers or two fathers;
- Endanger Iowa’s teenagers by loosening regulations for under-age employment, including allowing teens to work later hours on school nights and to serve alcoholic beverages, diminishing the importance of their secondary education and potentially placing them in dangerous situations;
- Fail to provide adequate funding to protect and maintain our natural resources, provide clean water and good air quality, and address the detrimental effects of climate change on all sectors of our economy; and
- Decrease local control of our county government .... our voting …. gun control …. On and on …
We could write more, but really, we’ve had enough! We need leaders voting for legislation that will actually help ALL Iowans. That’s not what we saw from these regressive R’s this session!
We simply MUST replace Jesse Green (S24), Phil Thompson (HD48) and Carter Nordman (HD47) in 2024. We can do it, but only with your help –
Can we count on you to donate $20 today through our secure PRO Iowa 24 ACT BLUE account?
Or, by sending a check payable to PRO Iowa 24, mailed to
PRO Iowa 24, Monica Peitz, Treasurer
Post Office Box 502, Perry, IA 50220
Or, Save your stamps and your time! A monthly contribution would be fast, easy, and get us underway so our candidates are READY TO RUN and WIN. Monthly contributions of any amount can be made at our secure PRO Iowa 24 ACT BLUE secure link:
HELP US aggressively challenge three of Governor Reynolds’ surest party line votes! It takes only a single large check or large Act Blue donation (or moderate monthly one) to be the seeds of change.
Thank you for your generosity!
paid for by
PRO Iowa 24 - A Collaboration
Organizing To Recruit, Support and Elect New Leaders
in IOWA House District 47, 48 & Senate District 24
Treasurer: Monica Peitz,
PO Box 502, Perry, IA 50220
Run For Your Local School Board
Right wing Christian Nationalists/MAGA’s are trying to take over the school boards. YOU can make a difference by running. Public education depends on people like YOU.
School Board Elections
ELIGIBLE anyone 18 or older, who has the right to vote, has no felony convictions
August 28, 1st day of filing
September, 21 last day of filing
Nomination forms on Secretary of State web site, or local School Board Secretary
Must include home address and listing of school district
Less than 1000 students, must obtain 10 signatures
More than 1000 students, 1 % of voters or 50 signatures
November 7, 7 AM thru 8 PM
4-year terms
Voluntary service
SIX TIPS FOR CAMPAIGNING IASB recommends the following tips for all school board candidates as they campaign for election:
1. Attend school board meetings. Watching the current board in action will help you begin to understand the practicalities of school board operations and learn more about issues in your district or community college. Board agendas and virtually all materials before the board are public documents; reviewing them can build your understanding.
2. Ask questions. The superintendent or community college president, board secretary or community college secretary, business manager and current board members can help you understand district issues.
3. Be proactive in helping the community understand your views. Help citizens understand what you stand for by speaking at candidate forums, talking with reporters, stating your views in campaign materials, and using other forums.
4. Carefully consider your campaign promises. As an individual, a board member has no authority. It’s only when a majority of the board takes action through a vote that the board’s authority is exercised.
5. When campaigning for the board, state your position on issues but avoid making promises that you alone cannot keep.
6. Encourage voter participation. Strong voter turnout is more than a grassroots campaign strategy. Voter participation in school board elections helps engage citizens and creates a strong bond between the public and their public schools.
Resource 2023 School Board Elections - IASB