Local Elections

Your vote can make all the difference!!

Early voting for city and school district elections has started, and the BCD would like to strongly encourage everyone to support democracy at the local level. Although BCD does not endorse candidates for non-partisan seats, we do hope you will get to know these candidates before you cast your ballot. Please encourage everyone you know to participate in these local elections, and GO VOTE! This APP has sample ballots attached to your polling location to make candidate research easier: https://arcg.is/e9GS5.

The incumbent members of the school board up for re-election (Brian Melhaus and Jeremy Pritchard) have done a very good job, and have the experience and qualifications to continue to serve the needs of the Boone school district.

For the first time in 15 years, the voters in Boone have a chance to make a real change in how their City Government operates. Most of you will recognize Holly Stecker and Elijah Stines as current council members; Eli would like to continue representing Boone Ward 3, and Holly hopes to win the mayor’s seat.

Newcomers include Linda Williamson, who is running for Council member At-large (Stecker’s current position), and Scott Zeitler running for council seat Ward 5.

Linda served 12 years on the Ogden School Board prior to moving to Boone 13 years ago with her husband David. She has served on numerous committees and boards over the years, worked for 32 years as an AEA School Psychologist, and is currently an active member of the Boone Arts Commission.

Scott Zeitler hopes to win the Ward 5 Council seat, which is being vacated by Greg Picklapp. Scott is a professional painter who has lived in Boone for many years. While he does not have a long history of public, or board service, he does have a strong desire to serve his community. He is thoughtful, capable, thinks before he speaks, and is eager to learn more about how he can help the citizens of Boone.

This group of candidates have conducted themselves professionally during the campaign, they have listened to citizens’ concerns in a thoughtful, caring manner, and they have stayed “above the fray” even when false personal attacks have come their way. Each of them is committed to working in a non-partisan manner for all the citizens of Boone.

"As your Mayor, Boone's downtown revitalization and enhancement will be the cornerstone of my daily work. I will continue to improve upon our beautiful city parks and strengthen our public services. Most significantly, I will prioritize the city's resources and budget to reflect the values of all our citizens." - Holly Stecker

email: hollystecker6@gmail.com

"One of the most important things to me has always been to listen to citizens with empathy and to foster a culture which grants those who may not have otherwise felt comfortable coming forward with their issues the space to do so."

- Elijah Stines


"As a member of the Council, I will work as part of a team, support sound financial decisions, and always consider what is best for all members of our community before making decisions."

- Linda Williamson


"I believe in responsive, transparent city government that fulfills it's obligations, and works for the benefit of all it's Citizens." - Scott Zeitler

www.facebook.com/zeitlerfor councilward5

No candidate was endorsed by nor received funding from Boone County Democrats


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