Picnic for the People
Summer is picnic time!! For the Boone County Democrats this means a picnic for the people, featuring good food and a chance to meet candidates running for offices at all levels. This year’s picnic will be held on Thursday, June 2nd, starting at 5 pm.
We have invited our two 2022 scholarship winners, both from Ogden will recognize their acheviements.
In addition we are holding an online auction in conjunction with the event!! If you have something you would like to donate, or would like to help with the picnic itself:
Food donations (i.e. salads, sides, desserts): Margaret Liston listonmargaret@gmail.com
At the present time we are still in need of grills.
Auction items: Pam Hansen phansen624@gmail.com. Want to see all the great items or put in a bid? Go to: https://www.32auctions.com/bcdpicnic2022