Picnic For The People

The BCD met under the Herman Park Bandshell on June 8th. The weather was perfect and we enjoyed food from the Lucky Pig in Ogden, had a chance to catch up with one another and heard from several speakers, including State Senator Claire Celsi from WDM and the IDP’s new finance chief Kevin Sobkoviak. Claire talked about the horrible legislative session and our need to increase voters and visibility. Kevin said that, with no Democratic presidential contest, we need to keep as much of our financial resources in the state as possible. Donate to the BCD and the IDP!

We also heard from one of our scholarship winners, Hannah Chesnut, who is excited to be attending ISU starting this fall.

Be sure to come to the next CC meeting, to be held at the Boone History Center on June 20th, 6:30 pm


Democrat’s Speak Out for Women


More Tomatoes!