We CAN Get Out The Vote (GOTV)
One month to election day (Nov. 5th). This is the most important election in years; democracy truly hangs in the balance. Let’s get the childless cat ladies (and gentlemen) to work getting out the vote.
Here is what you can do:
Sign up to work at the headquarters of the Boone County Democrats. Work in the office, make calls, knock doors of Democrats. You can do a variety of things; whatever you feel comfortable doing!
2. Attend the Brown Woodard award dinner on Oct. 17th. Meet candidates and hear Rita Hart, chair of the Iowa Democratic Party! https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bw2024
3. Post on social media and share our posts. https://www.tiktok.com/@boonecountyiadems
4. If you are a Boone County Resident and are available come to the courthouse on October 16th, 11 am, (first day of early inperson voting) vote and then join us for lunch.
5. Order a T-shirt from Raygun and help support the BCD! https://www.rayguncustom.com/search?type=product%2Carticle%2Cpage&q=boone+county+democrats