Who Taught You That?

As 2020 ends and I reflect back over the years I remember when I was 15 years old, in 1953  - in Mississippi.  A work friend (she was the maid and I was a salesperson) and I went on break together and stopped at a malt shop.   When we started to go in it dawned on me that she couldn’t sit with me at the soda fountain. That is the first time I was aware of racism and white privilege. It was a total shock to me. My first thought was how am I going to spare her feelings.  It didn’t occur to me that she had already experienced many instances of discrimination.   After all she was the maid and would not have been allowed to apply for any other job at the business where we worked.  I have often wondered how I got to be that old and wasn’t aware of racism. Who taught me that people of color were o.k. and my white skin was not something that should give me special privilege?   I lived with my grandparents until I was 8 years old and it was never discussed.  My grandparents were kind and caring people. We didn’t have very much but there was always enough to share with others.

If you believe something ask who taught me that? Why is there so much hatred in this country at this time?  Who is promoting it? Why do white people feel so threatened by others who may have a different skin color, different beliefs, etc.? Who taught them that? Why did they keep that teaching rather than evaluating the situation and making their own determination? No one is born hating others  - for any reason.

At fifteen I was puzzled and saddened that  having a different color should limit people and in 2020 at 82 years I still feel very sad that there is so much hatred in the world.  However, I am grateful to all of the people who taught me to value others, regardless of their race, religion, color or origin.

Even at my current stage in life I value people who I can learn from and hopefully I can teach something. Everyone had something to teach and hopefully I will always be open to learning.

Nan Sloan, Boone, Iowa


Election is Over; Hunger is Still Here


Shelly Stotts for Iowa House