IDP4 District Workshop - Saturday, August 12, 2023 @ 10 am
Leonard Good Community Center
513 West Walnut Street
Ogden, IA 50212
Learning and lots of discussion! Anybody is welcome but especially for county party officers as we will have a lot of good information on their roles etc.
Lunch will be available for purchase from the Boone County Democrats. Cinamon rolls and coffee, as well as a lunch option will be available. (We are looking at $20 for all food, with a reduced fee available and a discount for students.) There will be a vegetarian option as well.
We also will either have the IDP tech person there for VAN training or we also have videos that we can watch and have discussion and learn from others.
This will be a hands-on and interactive discussion with panels of your fellow District members. This will be a great way to learn about our roles in the county party and expectations. Great place to visit with other counties and get ideas to take home.
Please let me know if you have any questions and please email me asap how many people you may send to this event. It would be great if we could get a couple from each county.
We are hoping to be done by 2:30 - 3pm at the latest.
Thanks so much for all you are doing in your counties!
Penny Rosfjord,
IDP4 District Chair