What’s Going On?
Pre Register for 2022 Caucuses
Our Pre-Registration link is now live! It will take you to the IDC site to register using the new precincts.
New Precincts for 2022
Below are the new precinct maps which will be used for the caucuses and for all elections going forward.
Boone Precincts
Rural and Ogden
Caucus Time!!
Plan to attend the caucuses of the Iowa Democratic party – coming to a location near you on Feb. 7, 2022! Make a memory – not many people in the country can say they’ve participated in a caucus. We will be using the NEW 2021 precinct maps for the caucuses. Check the next newsletter for the final district boundaries.
Attend an online training session soon to volunteer to lead or assist with your precinct. First-timers are welcome! No experience necessary. This is the time to build your skills, as off-season caucuses have fewer duties and lighter attendance. Contact info@boonecountydem.com for more information.
Additional Training Opportunities
Note: These trainings will be happening over ZOOM.
Boone Democrats Care!!
The BCD distributed $1300 to local food pantries in the month of December. Thanks to all who contributed to help fight hunger.
Now help us fight the root causes of hunger and poverty!!
Kurt presents a check to director of Greater Love in Madrid, which serves Madrid and the nearby area.
Amy presenting check to IMPACT in Boone, which serves the entire county with food and other vital needs.
Penny presents check to Kim. Toreador helps students and their families in the Boone School District.
Help End Hunger
From now through Nov. 26th, the Boone County Democrats will be colleting funds to distribute to food pantries in Boone and Madrid. The need is ever growing! Donate online or mail a check to BCD CC, PO Box 535, Boone, 50036. Put “food drive” or similar in the byline.
Then join us in working to change the policies that contribute to hunger in the first place!! In the richest nation on earth, no one should be hungry.
Local Elections
Your vote can make all the difference!!
Early voting for city and school district elections has started, and the BCD would like to strongly encourage everyone to support democracy at the local level. Although BCD does not endorse candidates for non-partisan seats, we do hope you will get to know these candidates before you cast your ballot. Please encourage everyone you know to participate in these local elections, and GO VOTE! This APP has sample ballots attached to your polling location to make candidate research easier: https://arcg.is/e9GS5.
The incumbent members of the school board up for re-election (Brian Melhaus and Jeremy Pritchard) have done a very good job, and have the experience and qualifications to continue to serve the needs of the Boone school district.
For the first time in 15 years, the voters in Boone have a chance to make a real change in how their City Government operates. Most of you will recognize Holly Stecker and Elijah Stines as current council members; Eli would like to continue representing Boone Ward 3, and Holly hopes to win the mayor’s seat.
Newcomers include Linda Williamson, who is running for Council member At-large (Stecker’s current position), and Scott Zeitler running for council seat Ward 5.
Linda served 12 years on the Ogden School Board prior to moving to Boone 13 years ago with her husband David. She has served on numerous committees and boards over the years, worked for 32 years as an AEA School Psychologist, and is currently an active member of the Boone Arts Commission.
Scott Zeitler hopes to win the Ward 5 Council seat, which is being vacated by Greg Picklapp. Scott is a professional painter who has lived in Boone for many years. While he does not have a long history of public, or board service, he does have a strong desire to serve his community. He is thoughtful, capable, thinks before he speaks, and is eager to learn more about how he can help the citizens of Boone.
This group of candidates have conducted themselves professionally during the campaign, they have listened to citizens’ concerns in a thoughtful, caring manner, and they have stayed “above the fray” even when false personal attacks have come their way. Each of them is committed to working in a non-partisan manner for all the citizens of Boone.
"As your Mayor, Boone's downtown revitalization and enhancement will be the cornerstone of my daily work. I will continue to improve upon our beautiful city parks and strengthen our public services. Most significantly, I will prioritize the city's resources and budget to reflect the values of all our citizens." - Holly Stecker
email: hollystecker6@gmail.com
"One of the most important things to me has always been to listen to citizens with empathy and to foster a culture which grants those who may not have otherwise felt comfortable coming forward with their issues the space to do so."
- Elijah Stines
"As a member of the Council, I will work as part of a team, support sound financial decisions, and always consider what is best for all members of our community before making decisions."
- Linda Williamson
"I believe in responsive, transparent city government that fulfills it's obligations, and works for the benefit of all it's Citizens." - Scott Zeitler
www.facebook.com/zeitlerfor councilward5
No candidate was endorsed by nor received funding from Boone County Democrats
Learn about Boone City Candidates!!
Come to the meet and greet; learn about the issues and where these candidates stand. Early voting is in progress now!
Habitat For Humanity Painting
Join the BCD for a real paint job! On Sept 25th we will do interior painting at the Habitat for Humanity house. You don't need equipment or experience; just wear clothes you don't care about!! We will paint from 8 am to 1 pm, with a break and some snacks at 10 am.
Respond to info@boonecountydem.org.
Thanks to all of you for all you do!!
Rep. Miller-Meek needs to check her sources!
Chair Ross Wilburn calls out Rep. Miller-Meek for spreading dangerous disinformation
Des Moines - "Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks needs to apologize to Iowa Veterans and President Biden for sharing a blatantly false, satirical story on social media and lending credence to its claims. Miller-Meeks couldn't do the bare minimum of research – the source clearly states its satirical purpose as an outlet "...for real fake local commentary, news, and opinion.”
This kind of behavior is an embarrassment to our state and a danger to our democracy. It’s also an insult to hard-working Iowa journalists.
It's clear Miller-Meeks will do anything to stay in power – including relying on lies and disinformation to further her incompetent campaign. That’s why Iowans are ready to see her go in 2022.”
Statement from IDP on Texas Abortion Ban
One Week Later: Iowa Democratic Leaders continue to speak out following Texas abortion ban
Below are statements from Chair Ross Wilburn and IDP Women’s & Progressive Caucuses
“Iowa cannot become Texas. Iowa Republicans have already set the stage for a total abortion ban in our state. Abortion must be kept safe and legal for all - especially for people of color, low income and rural Iowans. I stand with Congressional Democrats in their efforts to codify Roe v. Wade. Politics have no place in one of the most personal health care decisions a person can make. We’re all Iowans at the end of the day, and should treat our friends and neighbors with compassion and kindness – not shame and stigma – as they navigate these decisions." - Chair Ross Wilburn
“The Texas ban opens the door for other states to adopt similar legislation and is nothing but an all-out assault on patients, health care providers and communities. It pits neighbors against neighbors and puts a bounty on those who help others access abortion. Today, it’s Texas but tomorrow it could be Iowa. We are facing the very real possibility that Iowans won’t have access to safe and legal abortion in just a few short years and will be forced into pregnancy and parenthood.” - Jamie Burch Elliott, IDP Women’s Caucus
Community Engagement
We are part of Boone County and making it a better place for everyone is what being a Democrat is at its core. Currently we are engaging in two projects: scholarships for high school seniors and providing tomato plants for elementary students in the county.
This year we are offering three $500 scholarships to high school seniors who reside in Boone County, regardless of the school system they attend. The scholarships this year are given in honor of two long time activists, Mike O’Brian and Richard “Dick” Jordan. If you are aware of someone whop might want to apply, contact us at info@boonecountydem.com.
The second project is to provide a grow bag with a cherry tomato plant, locally grown, to any elementary student who would like one. We are distributing them on May 15th from 10-11 am by the public libraries in Boone, Ogden, and Madrid. If you would like to help with distribution, contact Mary Jo Schmerr at mjschmerr@hotmail.com.
Also being explored are opportunities to adopt a stretch of highway in Boone County for clean up and spending a day working for habitat for humanity.
Last week, we wrapped up work after the first legislative deadline, known as the funnel, which helps narrow down the number of bills eligible for debate as we get closer to adjournment. Unfortunately, the Governor and Legislative Republicans’ agenda so far this session has been focused on divisive bills. Here are some of the GOP’s worst ideas that we’re keeping an eye on this session:
*Cuts unemployment for Iowans (SF 492 /HSB 203)
*Eliminate background checks, allow guns in schools, and put guns in hand of criminals (SJR 7)
*Provides immunity to firearm manufacturers (HF621/ SF514)
*Eliminates housing voucher non-discrimination laws (HF720/SF252)
*Expands Charter Schools (HSB242)
*Bans “divisive concepts” like racism or sexism from being discussed in public schools and universities (HSB258)
*New barriers for Iowans to get food or health care assistance (SF389)
*Eliminate tenure at Iowa’s state universities (HF496)
*Vouchers for private schools (SF159)
*Allows the State to make discrimination easier (HF481)
*Provide trucking companies immunity from hiring rapists and sex traffickers (SF 537/HSB259)
*Putting a monetary value on people’s lives when medical malpractice has occurred (HF592 / SF557)
*Discouraging Iowans from getting live-saving vaccines (SF193)
*Punishing private businesses for blocking hate speech and insurrection on social media (SF402)
*Allows landlords to charge higher fees for late payments and throw away a tenant’s possessions immediately after eviction (HSB253)
*New “poll tax” before restoring someone’s right to vote (HSB231)
*Prohibits a social media company from limiting an elected official’s access to the platform (HF633)
Moving forward, the Legislature will spend more time debating bills and sending them over to the Senate as the next deadline looms in just a few weeks. We will continue to keep you updated when these and other bills of interest are being debated.
To see all the bills still eligible for consideration go to:
Blue StateHouse Alert
Join us on Tuesday, February 16 at 7pm for our Blue Statehouse Alert LIVE. This week we will be discussing the vaccine rollout with State Representative and pharmacist John Forbes of Urbandale and House Democratic Whip Jennifer Konfrst.
Blue Statehouse Alert LIVE! Tuesday, February 16 at 7 pm
Register for the discussion on ZOOM at:
Watch live on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/events/429455711812889/
**Remember to join us each Tuesday at 7 pm, for our updates from Democratic lawmakers on what’s happening at the Statehouse.
We’ve heard from thousands of folks struggling to get the COVID vaccine distributed in communities all across Iowa.
First, the good news. A high-demand for the vaccine means Iowans want to protect themselves and their families as soon as possible. The Biden-Harris Administration has significantly ramped up the vaccine supply coming to Iowa and health experts are now saying that there should be more supply than demand by early May.
The bad news is that too many Iowans, especially our seniors, are still struggling to get the vaccine because Governor Reynolds was not prepared for the vaccine rollout. It was only last week that she finally hired a private company to help Iowans sign up for the vaccine. This should have been done months ago.
We are working as hard as we can to help Iowans get the vaccine and stay safe. Here is who is eligible for vaccinations right now (Phase 1B):
Persons age 65 and older
PK-12 school staff, early education and childcare workers
First responders (firefighters, police officers, child welfare social workers)
Here is how you can schedule an appointment:
Find a provider at: coronavirus.iowa.gov
Seniors can call their local Area Agency on Aging at 1-866-468-7887, Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:30pm to get an appointment
Iowa Pharmacies will also be scheduling appointments:
Walgreens (Black Hawk, Cerro Gordo, Des Moines, Dubuque, Johnson, Linn, Pottawattamie, Scott, and Woodbury Counties) https://www.walgreens.com/findcare/vaccination/covid-19?ban=covid_vaccine_landing_schedule
CVS (Black Hawk, Dallas, Linn, or Polk County) https://www.cvs.com/immunizations/covid-19-vaccine
This session we’ve seen hateful legislation that is targeting women, the LGBTQIA community, people of color, and those of certain political affiliations. While Republicans are screaming free speech, they are silently taking away rights of many Iowans. Below are TWELVE of the worst and most hateful bills that have been introduced in the Iowa House, so far.
1. Constitutional Amendment that the state Constitution does not recognize, grant, or secure a right to an abortion (HJR 5)
2. Allows the legislature to overturn a Supreme Court decision including those that defend Iowa’s protected classes (HF109)
3. Legalizes conversion therapy (HF193)
4. Bans transgender restroom inclusion in schools (HF187)
5. Censors political and religious speech by an internet site (HF171)
6. Creates a “Living Infants Fairness and Equity Act”, which grants a fetus more fundamental rights than a woman (HF403)
7. Removes gender identity from the Iowa Civil Rights Act, which would strip civil rights protections for thousands of transgender Iowans (HF272)
8. Creates a new discriminatory act permitting Iowans with “sincerely held religious beliefs and moral convictions” to receive special legal protection if choose to deny services, employment, adoptions, etc (HF170)
9. Whitewashes US history by banning teachers from using the 1619 Project in Iowa schools, and reduces funding for any Iowa school district who teaches it. It also sets a precedent to prohibit works of journalism from being taught in publicly funded school (HF 222)
10. Eliminates tenure at Iowa universities because of liberal ideologies (HF 496)
11. Makes it illegal for medical professionals to treat transgender youth and could cost doctors their license and fines of $1,000 (HF 193)
12. Takes away diversity in Iowa schools and opportunities for all students to succeed (HF 228)
Undercutting Our Schools
The Iowa Senate passed a 2.2% funding increase for K-12 public schools. Because so many students were home due to Covid, they will not be counted in the per student funding and yet will be in class next year. School districts will be greatly underfunded and face a shortfall that will lead to significant property tax increases to make up the difference. Meanwhile the state has surplus money. Boone County is in Jesse Green’s district; you may want to ask him why he wants to raise your property taxes. Meanwhile contact your house representatives
Predicted property tax increase per senate district. Data is from the Legislative Services Agency.
Bernie is coming to the auction!!
Bernie is coming to the BCD auction!
We will be auctioning a Bernie doll similar to this (bench not included) at the I “heart” BCD Valentine’s day online auction from the 10th to the 14th of February. Here is your chance to have a piece of history and help out the BCD!!
To look at all the goodies and submit a bid go to:
Correction on Master Matrix
The previous post incorrectly stated that the Boone County Board of Supervisors had not passed the Master Matrix resolution but the did pass it in early January. Thanks to those who contacted them and thanks to the board for passing the resolution. Our apologies for the error.
Master Matrix
Iowa has a huge water quality problem. A major contributor is the incredible number of CAFO’s (confined animal feeding operations) that pour incredible amounts of waste into the environment. Animal wastes and animal smells help destroy rural Iowa and its waters. Each year counties may pass a resolution that allows the board of supervisors to have input on siting and construction of CAFO’s. Boone County is among a minority of counties that has yet to pass the resolution for 2021. Contact the supervisors and urge them to pass a resolution for this year. They meet on the 27th and the deadline is the 31st of this month. Time is of the essence.
The link below provides more information and a sample resolution:
You may contact the board at: BOS@boonecounty.iowa.gov
or call 515-433-0500