What’s Going On?
Democrat’s Speak Out for Women
Boone County Democrats, along with hundreds of other Iowans, showed up in mass at the state capitol Tuesday to protest the egregious bill rammed through by the Republicans. We knew the outcome was a foregone conclusion, but women and men showed up and fought valiantly to prevent this bill from becoming law. Our own legislators, Phil Thompson and Jesse Green, stated they would vote yes before they even drove to the capitol.
We know this bill will harm Iowa girls and women in so many ways, from directly prohibiting needed health care to violations of religious freedom.
Iowa Interfaith Alliance posted this on July 10th:
Religious freedom means every person has the right to their own religious beliefs but can never misuse religion to infringe on the rights of others.
Many Iowans of faith believe in the right to access safe and legal abortion because of their faith.
One religious belief should never be inserted into public policy and allowed to take away anyone else’s rights.
The right to an abortion is supported by an overwhelming majority of Americans, including Iowans.
* 61% of Iowans – including Republicans, Democrats, and Independents –
support access to safe and legal abortion.Abortion is overwhelmingly safe.
Abortion is common. One in four women who are able to get pregnant will have an abortion at some point.
Abortion is essential health care, a constitutional right, and a human right.
Abortion remains safe and legal in Iowa – for now. But it’s hanging by a thread and politicians in power are working hard to take away our rights for their political gain.
Any ban or restriction on abortion is harmful and takes away Iowans’ abilities to control their body and future.
No one else can know a person’s situation – their health, wellbeing, risks, and future. Abortion is a deeply personal decision. Every person deserves the right to control their reproductive health, and their future. Politicians should not put themselves in the middle of Iowans’ health care or their decisions.
Never before has a governor called a special session to advance a political agenda. A ban on the rights of Iowans is all about politics.
Calling a special session in the middle of summer for the sole purpose of stripping Iowans of the liberties they prize is not only unprecedented but shows the drastic lengths power-hungry politicians will take to pass deeply unpopular policies.
Iowans are raising their voices and holding their elected officials accountable for every vote they take to limit our rights and bodily autonomy. Regardless of our personal beliefs, we can all agree Iowans deserve the right to control their futures and access reproductive health care.
Want to make a difference and help make this state a place where we feel safe and healthy and where people are respected? Show up and march with us, help register voters, speak out on issues, and run for office: school board, soil and water, and all the other non partisan races. That is where you will learn what you need to know and be prepared to run for higher office.
Republicans operate on the presumption they are right; we often fall into despair. What is needed is to practice hope, which is to keep working for what IS right and just regardless.
Join us at the Boone County Fair parade next Thursday, 5 pm meet at the high school.
And donate!!
Picnic For The People
The BCD met under the Herman Park Bandshell on June 8th. The weather was perfect and we enjoyed food from the Lucky Pig in Ogden, had a chance to catch up with one another and heard from several speakers, including State Senator Claire Celsi from WDM and the IDP’s new finance chief Kevin Sobkoviak. Claire talked about the horrible legislative session and our need to increase voters and visibility. Kevin said that, with no Democratic presidential contest, we need to keep as much of our financial resources in the state as possible. Donate to the BCD and the IDP!
We also heard from one of our scholarship winners, Hannah Chesnut, who is excited to be attending ISU starting this fall.
Be sure to come to the next CC meeting, to be held at the Boone History Center on June 20th, 6:30 pm
More Tomatoes!
For the third year, the BCD has given away patio tomato plants, each with its own grow bag, to elementary age kids in Boone County. Thanks all those who gave of their time and resources to put these together and distribute at the libraries.
We hope to continue the program next year, with additional help from the libraries.
We Love Our Teachers
Thanks to Susan Zeigler and Charlie Johnson, teachers and staff in Boone County public schools were given some much-deserved recognition and appreciation. Thank you to all our teachers and staff. Let’s work for teachers and students!
This year certainly was one of the worst on records for damage done to public schools and pressure put on teachers. From vouchers to book bans to outing students, the state has hit a new low. Show teachers you care and work to change laws to return Iowa education to #1 in the nation.
Auction Time
Help us raise funds to support candidates and issues. Bid on items between now and the evening of June 8th. Pick up your items at the picnic after you have enjoyed the food and the speakers.
Scholarship Winners
The Boone County Democrats presented two Boone High School seniors with our 2023 scholarships.
Hannah Chesnut, besides her academic achievements and passion for volleyball, has been very active with Special Olympics and in working with kids. She plans on attending ISU with emphasis on Kinesiology and Food Science.
Jacie-Aspen Flockhart has been active with 4H and FFA, is an accomplished diver and figure skater, as well as a skilled dog trainer. She plans to continue her volunteer work as she heads to college.
BCD helps Impact
The Boone County Democrats recently donated funds to IMPACT of Boone County, which serves all residents of the county with food distribution and other necessities.
Sadly, the need is ever greater as the state declines federal dollars and is working to make it more difficult to get SNAP benefits.
Iowa could raise its minimum wage, offer free breakfast and lunch to all students, and work to improve affordable childcare.
Help us work to end hunger in Iowa.
Iowa is Sinking; Let’s Raise It Up
Schools in Need
After asking multiple school districts in Boone County about their needs, the BCD went into action and $925, which was matched for a total of $1850 to be distributed to the major public school districts in the county. In addition, supplies were collected and distributed. We were told again and again how budget cuts had left them with an impossible task of meeting student needs. Some of the biggest concerns: kids coming to school hungry because there was not sufficient food at home, girls not having menstrual supplies; lack of dental hygiene products; and lack of school supplies. They asked for breakfast bars and menstrual pads!!
Funding for schools has not kept pace with inflation. While the total dollar amount for public schools sounds like a lot, it is not!! Each year schools have less and less to work with. (1) This year the school voucher bill passed, which will quickly divert even more funds away from public schools and likely not benefitting low income or students with special needs, who would still be unable to afford or possibly be accepted to a private school. (2)
What if we fully funded our public schools? What if we provided free breakfast and lunches for all students? What if we placed a higher income tax on the wealthy and reduced that of low- and middle-income Iowans, who now pay the lion’s share of the cost of running the state.
1 https://www.bleedingheartland.com/2022/02/16/iowa-republicans-continue-to-underfund-public-schools/

Cold and Hungry
Help Boone County school kids this winter
The students in public schools in Boone County have needs that are often hidden. The governor opted out of federal help that was providing meals and many now come to school hungry, with no food at home to feed them breakfast. The often do not have clothes suitable for cold weather and many lack items to help them keep clean and take care of themselves. Girls lack supplies for menstruation. The schools need basic educational supplies like pencils! With state aid that has been less than the rate of inflation, schools are scrambling to fill in the gaps.
You can help! Between now and December 16th the BCD will be collecting money and items to deliver to schools in Boone County.
We will be accepting the following items:
Drop off donated items before 6 PM at 338 SW 2nd, Ogden or 313 5th St, Boone
Mail check to BCD, PO Box 535, Boone 50036 - enter "school fund" in the byline
Donate online at: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/mitts#
cash donations will be matched 100% up to $1,500. Fundraiser ends December 17th.
Scan to donate
Republican LIES
A Letter To the Republican Party of Iowa:
What were you thinking? I received a mailer this week labeling me Liberal (which is not quite the insult you think it is) and containing ridiculous lies – the same lies being told about many Democrat candidates across the nation – and vague statements with no details. I support new voting laws which open Iowa elections up to fraud? What are these laws and in what way do the open our elections up to fraud? Taking a perfectly acceptable picture of me and darkening it in an attempt to make me appear scary, and following with inaccurate, vague, fact-free statements in attempt to scare voters is petty and desperate. Apparently you have a playbook without integrity. You might think this is ‘business as usual’ but it isn’t acceptable in the world of real people like me. I’m taking it personally and I want an apology and a retraction.
The first statement on the flyer, “Penny Vossler supports teaching kids as young as five Critical Race Theory”, is nothing short of moronic. I didn’t know what Critical Race Theory was when I first heard the term in the last year or two, so I googled it. I discovered that it is a college course taught in law school. I’ve seen some bright 5-year-olds in my years as a teacher, but not once have I suggested one was ready for law school. At the risk of being repetitive – moronic.
I understand why you would make up positions for me. Using my actual positions wouldn’t do your candidate (the one you do not name or promote in the flyer) any favors as most people in Iowa agree with my stances.
· Women and their doctors can be trusted to make healthcare decisions without your intervention. Check.
· Our voting system has been secure and well-managed and was not improved in any way by shortening the timeframe for voting. Check. You’ve only made it less convenient which, I might point out, should not be in the job description of a legislator.
· Funding our schools with increases below the rate of inflation (as you have done for many years) is causing schools to close and those that remain open to struggle to provide the quality education our children deserve. Check. Give the kids a fighting chance!
Each of these actual positions that I hold are what sets me apart from your candidate. Again, I understand why you didn’t want to use the truth. And I don’t know who wrote the piece of garbage I received, but I do know who paid to print and distribute it. Thus my letter to you, Republican Party of Iowa. I’ll be waiting for that apology.
With utmost sincerity,
Penny Vossler, Candidate Iowa HD 48
Care For Everyone
Sandy Madden wrote a letter to the editor published in the Des Moines Register. In it she pointed out the fallacious arguments of so-called “pro life” advocates. Protect life until birth but not afterwards.
Regarding the future of Roe v. Wade, no one is looking past the fact that it's an unborn child and they want to protect its right to live. Have they considered an unwanted child's future? That child could be abused and not have a bright future. The child might be found in a Dumpster somewhere. Anti-abortion advocates have to think of this. No one wants to see a child killed whether in the womb or other ways, but common sense should prevail. People making this decision will not be there for the 2 a.m. feeding or offering financial support.
Sandy Madden, Boone
Picnic for the People
Summer is picnic time!! For the Boone County Democrats this means a picnic for the people, featuring good food and a chance to meet candidates running for offices at all levels. This year’s picnic will be held on Thursday, June 2nd, starting at 5 pm.
We have invited our two 2022 scholarship winners, both from Ogden will recognize their acheviements.
In addition we are holding an online auction in conjunction with the event!! If you have something you would like to donate, or would like to help with the picnic itself:
Food donations (i.e. salads, sides, desserts): Margaret Liston listonmargaret@gmail.com
At the present time we are still in need of grills.
Auction items: Pam Hansen phansen624@gmail.com. Want to see all the great items or put in a bid? Go to: https://www.32auctions.com/bcdpicnic2022
Help out (set up, clean up, etc.) info@boonecountydem.com
Let’s make Boone blue!!
Update: Mike Franken will be unable to be there in person but is sending a video.
Don’t Rain on Our Parades!!
We have at least four parades scheduled this year!! Come and join the fun. More details as we know more. You may walk or ride the float.
Ogden Fun Days - Saturday June 25 - Details not yet on the website but if it is like last year the line-up will be at the Middle-High School parking lot, mid-morning
Boone County Fair - Thursday July 14 - Line-up on 8th Street by the high school parking lot. In line by 5:00 PM -
Pufferbilly Days - Saturday August 6 - 9:30 start time. More details will be coming regarding line-up time and location
Madrid Labor Day Celebration - Monday September 5 - Details not yet available.
ICYMI: Democratic Leaders Blast Pence, GOP’s Abysmal Record Ahead of His Visit to Iowa
Des Moines — On Friday, Iowa Democratic Party Chair Ross Wilburn and Iowa House Democratic Leader Jennifer Konfrst held a press conference to call out Mike Pence ahead of his visit to Iowa while highlighting how President Biden and Democratic leaders have delivered for Iowans when Republicans failed to make good on their promises.
The state’s Democratic leaders blasted Pence and Iowa Republicans for handing over tax giveaways to the ultra-wealthy, failing to deliver on infrastructure, and taking credit for Democratic achievements. This abysmal record is in sharp contrast to the successes of the Biden-Harris administration and the once-in-a-generation investments made possible by President Biden and Iowa Democrats like Congresswoman Cindy Axne.
“Try as he might, Pence cannot rewrite his role in the Trump-Pence administration. While Pence and Iowa Republicans like Kim Reynolds and Chuck Grassley are handing over tax giveaways to the ultra wealthy and trying to take credit for Democratic achievements, President Biden and Iowa Democrats have invested billions of dollars to improve Iowa’s roads and bridges, connect small towns with high speed internet, and expand access to high quality, affordable health care,” said Ross Wilburn, Chair of the Iowa Democratic Party. “Let’s not forget that it was Mike Pence who led the charge to cut taxes for the wealthy and corporations while President Biden has a plan to make billionaires pay their fair share and give a tax cut to working families.”
“Iowans are fed up with politicians who talk and don’t deliver — and we’re going to get more of that when former Vice President Mike Pence comes to Iowa tomorrow. President Biden and Democrats are listening to what Iowans want and we’ve delivered on our promises: we’ve fixed our roads and bridges, expanded access to high-speed internet, we’ve got E-15 all year round, we’re lowering health care costs,” said Iowa House Democratic Leader Jennifer Konfrst. She also blasted Republicans' latest plans for Iowa families, including “more tax cuts for the wealthy, Big Oil, and special interests, raising taxes on hardworking families, and even pushing for disastrous school vouchers.”
Earlier this month, the GOP backed a plan that would not only raise taxes on child care workers, teachers, first responders, and other working people across Iowa, but also sunset Medicare and Social Security after five years.
County Convention
The Boone County Democrats will hold their convention on Saturday, March 26th at the Erickson Public Library, with registration starting at 8:30 am and the meeting beginning at 9:00. Business should be concluded by 11 am.
Scholarship available
The Boone County Democrats are taking applications for a scholarship available to any high school senior who lives in Boone County, regardless of the school they attend. Students should contact their school officials to receive and application; submissions are due no latter than April 29th. Contact info@boonecountydem.com for more information or questions.
Caucus Time!!
Iowa Democratic Party Caucus
Monday, February 7th, 2022 7:00pm
Masks are Required to Attend the Caucus
You must be in-line or signed-in by 7:00pm to participate
Boone County Democrats will meet at the following location(s):
BN1, BN2, BN3, BN4, BN5, RP1 and RP6 Boone High School, 500 7th St
MD1, MD2, MD3, RP2 Madrid Library, 100 W 3rd St
RP3, RP4, RP5, Ogden Ogden Elementary School, 313 W Sycamore St
The purpose of this year’s caucus is to:
1. Discuss and adopt proposed resolutions to be added to the county platform.
2. Elect Delegates and Alternates to the County Convention
3. Elect Precinct Committee Persons to the County Central Committee
It is also a chance to sign nomination petitions. The number of signatures has increased and the length of time decreased!! Sign up for texting and for the newsletter, get involved!! Meet your fellow Democrats.
The precinct caucus is a great way to get involved in grassroots activities with the Iowa Democratic Party.
All Iowa Democrats are encouraged to attend.
Soup Supper Success!
Thanks to all who helped and attended the “semi virtual” soup supper. A lot of very good homemade soups were purchased and we had great speakers, both in real time and online.
1 - Michael Franken
2 - John Norwood
3 - Eric Van Lancker (video)
4 - Ryan O-Leary
5 - Abby Finkenauer